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Creating Imaginations


Deadly Memories

Deadly Memories - S.D. O'Donnell Who in this book would you most like to meet? Saul, Jayne, Mrs Blackstone

Do you find the characters convincing? Saul, Jayne and Mrs. Blackstone. All characters were needed, good and bad.

What is the time period in which the book happens? Current times, I believe

List the places mentioned in the book. The Police Station. The Mental Health Hospital. Lucky Bar and Grill. Meg's apartment. Trunk, that women were put in.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Fatal Trial

Fatal Trial - Mick Bose
Where did the story take place? New England area of the USA. I believe it happened in Pennsylvania.

Tell in your own words the beginning of the book. A person wakes up and hears they are coming for him. That voice, he knows that voice. The voice that does bad things to him. The voice that keeps punishing him. Will that voice ever die away?

What did the title have to do with the book? The title Fatal Trial is about drug trials and the length pharmaceutical companies will go to sell drugs they create.

What lesson did you learn from the story? It is better to suffer with a disease than to try a new drug on the market.

Disclosure: I received a free book from the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinionsa are my own.

Marching With Caesar: Civil War

Marching With Caesar: Civil War - R.W. Peake Tell five ways the main character is like you. Kind of hard to answer this. With the large time difference and everything in the world changed so much I wonder if anyone is similar to someone a generation ago.

Find one word that describes a character in your book very well. Jealousy – this one word describes several different characters. The first one is Afranius.

Compare two of the characters in this book. Afranius & Titus. Afranius is portrayed as a person that is not concerned with others. He always seems to put himself first. Titus is shown as caring with a tender heart when needed but hard as steel when someone has done something wrong.

What part would you change in the story? I would have like the author to give more detail about Egypt. I understand that Egypt and Cleopatra is the theme for his next book. Looking forward to reading this.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.


Trapped - George A. Bernstein List the characters and describe them. Jackee – a vibrant young female who quickly become paralyzed. She is only able to move her eyes. Phil – Jackee’s husband (that is all I’m saying or I'll be giving away too much.) Other chracters are - Malcolm – Jackee’s son, Bryan – Jackee’s son, Maria – nurse that takes care of Jackee, Kevin – therapist for Jackee, Charlene – house keeper, Rhonda – suppose to be a governess for Jackee’s boys

Share a quote or two from the book. Jackee is thinking about her boys here ” I so miss that warmth and peace with these two happy little guys in my arms.” EMT helping Jackee “Hot damn! She’s back!” The Latin-accented voice of God is that of a pencil-mustached, olive-skinned face directly over hers.

Share a favorite scene from the book. The ending. Can’t say anything else or it would have spoilers.

What did you like most about the book? The unique fresh writing. Looking forward to additional books by Bernstein.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Never Give in to Fear: Laughing All the Way Up From Rock Bottom

Never Give in to Fear: Laughing All the Way Up From Rock Bottom - Marti MacGibbon 3 things I liked about the book … Never knowing what might happen next, the uplifting voice by the author, The positive attitude MacGibbon had about everything.

Did the plot pull you in or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book?After reading the first chapter, I knew this would be a book I could not put down. I lost several hours of sleep trying to finish this book. The hours of sleep will not be missed.

How realistic was the characterization? MacGibbon made the characters vividly real. I can picture the characters right down to the clothing they wore.

How does the setting figure into the book? Does it come to life? Did you feel you were experiencing the time and place in which the book was set? Many different settings and locations. Readers are taken from LA, to Japan to Michigan. The descriptions provided allows readers a glimpse with different eyes, a chance to see something we might miss or even a chance to a whole new world.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.

Lessons from the Lemonade Stand: A Common Sense Primer on Investing

Lessons from the Lemonade Stand: A Common Sense Primer on Investing - James Berman Tell in your own words the beginning of the book. James Berman explains the fundamentals of setting up a lemonade stand and compares this to bigger companies and businesses.

What did the title have to do with the book? I really liked the title of the book. It doesn't immediately indicate that it is a non-fiction business book but the cover is catchy, title is specific and as you read the book, you will find that the author shows how a simple concept is so fundamental to economics.

At the end of the book, how did you feel? The ending only had information about Shelby. I felt great hope for Shelby and her home life (with her father) changing. I do not know about any other characters or what happened after they returned to earth.

Did you find any flaws in the book? Not really. I was expecting complicated jargon and theories, the author has taken the time to explain things in detail and to keep it simple. I really liked this.

Disclosure - I received a complimentary copy from Orangeberry Book Tours which did not influence my review.

The Silver Sphere

The Silver Sphere - Michael Dadich
If you could continue the story, what events would you include? Why?
How people would explain their absence on earth to others. This was not explained in the ending. Would have been interesting to know how the author explained this.

Tell in your own words the beginning of the book.
Six different teenagers are taken. No trace of where or how they were taken. It is almost like they vanished into thin air. On a distant planet, each of these teenagers enter different areas. They are met by interceptor.

What did the title have to do with the book?
The Silver Sphere, this is talked about throughout the book. The author did not provide a detailed description, however I imagined this to be a type of sword - something used to fight the evil forces trying to take over the planet.

At the end of the book, do you feel hope for the characters?
The ending only had information about Shelby. I felt great hope for Shelby and her home life (with her father) changing. I do not know about any other characters or what happened after they returned to earth.

Did you find any flaws in the book?
My only problem with the book is I had a PDF copy. When I transferred this to my Kindle lines, pages, & paragraphs were broken up.

Disclosure - I received a complimentary copy from the Orangeberry Book Tours which did not influence my review.

A Tale of the Other Kind: A Therian Novel

A Tale of the Other Kind - Leandi Cameron Organisation & Cohesion - The creation os Sabie is a fascinating for any reader. You do not need to be a YA fan to enjoy this book. Although paranormal, one is able to relate to some of Kai and Sienna's problems. The villain appears to be a bully or someone who pushes their authority a little too much.

Structure & Vocabulary - For the most part, everything was in order but there were some commas that could have been better placed and italics that were not consistent.

Overall Style & Idea - I found this book more engaging that most YA books. The angle appeared different and the writer's style was unique. I enjoyed this book a great deal.

Disclosure - I received a free book from the author in exchange for an honest review.